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Tuesday 20 August 2013

What is the effect of movies on youth(Is it good or bad)?

Rafikul Islam

What is the effect of movies on youth(Is it good or bad)?

My personal opionion is that our brain is like a computor; it stores all types of data from our daily lives; our enviornment, entertainment, movies, music, education, & etc. What affect does music have on you if you listen to high volume, acid rock? Of course, it elevates your heart and you feel wild and hyber. On the other hand, if you listen to soft, light, easy listening melodies the music tends to relax you. Movies are the same as music, but more so because you're using an additional sense; your vision. Scary, satanic movies elevates your heart rate and those thoughts are in your mind. If you watch violent or X-Rated movies those images and thoughts are viewed and played in your brain; and stimulate you in various ways. Maybe in a way you're not even aware of; sexual, crude, or even hateful behavior. Have you thought about why you had that terrified nightmare.......? Although, there's excellent musicals, documentaries, or comedies that lift your spirit. Have you ever thought why there's so much violence in our society today in our schools and neighborhood.........I personally believe it's our movies, television, video games and music. I truly feel parents have an obligation to monitor all movies, television, video games and music until the child is old enough to make their own decisions. *Have you viewed any cartoons lately...........language, violence and etc? But, there's a lot of good out there too, believe me, we ALL need to make Wise Choices including myself.


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